Saturday 20 June 2009

Animal stigmatism.

A man became a cockroach.
He writhed on his back.
He hissed in some cockroach tongue
And his family wished back the man.

A woman became a mantis.
She gorged on the blood of men.
She feasted on their swolen funds
In order to pad out her den.

A boy became an earthworm.
He hid in a recess.
He thought the depths much safer,
So he barely showed his head.

A nation became a swarm of bees.
They needed nectar from other countries.
Although they had already amassed so much
Their honey surplus just wasn't enough.

A man became a cockroach.
He rutted through the trash.
He said: 'So long as I stay alive
I'll use dollar bills to wipe my ketchupy stash'.

For two people in love,
It's animal magnetism.
For all the rest of us,
It's animal stigmatism.

For a person in death,
It's profound mysticism.
For bugs in the ground,
It's generous humanism.

For a person in love,
It's animal magnetism.
Yet we still all suffer the same
Animal stigmatisms.

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