Monday, 1 February 2010

The old sea-farer.

Have you seen my sweet lady?
She's the salt of the earth;
the salt of the sea.
Oh, how I long for old Rosie.
I lost her to the briny deep.

We were sailing out upon the drink,
and wind was riling the brine.
She slipped and she began to sink.
Avast! I sent her 50 feet of line.

Her arm arose from the swell.
It really was the darkest scene.
The choppy water looked like Hell.
I was full of tears; full of spleen.

In a moment, she was gone -
to become a part of ocean song.
I wonder where her bones will lay.
Without her, this galleon seems grey.

I ventured home with my catch.
I let out a throaty 'land ahoy!'
Teary, I reminisced my little girl.
Oh, Rosie was my cabin boy!

How I remember his boyish looks:
his wisp of 'stache and eyes of blue.
All I have of him now is his smile:
my little girl; that boy I knew.

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